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The Shepard's Pen

Pastor Tony Ward

Are We Being Grossly Misled?

The modern day pastor is not in the bible because the modern pastor can be umbilical. By modern pastor, I am primarily referring to a professional who delivers a weekly speech, not a sermon that forms the center of Christian orthopraxy. This practice is also known today as the prosperity preaching. This practice is GROSSLY unbiblical. Extending past that singular practice of speech giving the idea of a professional social order of church leaders who have chosen Christianity as a profession is also grossly unbiblical. Elders arose from within a church based primarily on character - and if an elder was fired or quit he couldn't just go put in an application at a different church - that practice was foreign to scripture that would have been repugnant to the apostles.

To understand biblical leadership, you have to understand the terms such as "Elder" or "Deacon" in their historical/cultural context at the time Timothy was written. There are plenty of references to Elders all throughout the old testament and these references should form the "framework" of which you understand Paul's words. Once you have the correct frame the concept of the modern pastor becomes all the more absurd.

When you read the pastor worshipper's defense of their practice, you will see they have zero biblical text to support their practices, but rather read into words meaning that is categorically not in the meaning of the word. For example, elders are to teach - so they impose the word "teach" the meaning of "give a weekly speech" even though the weekly speech practice is absent from both narrative and imperative of the bible. They do the same with the word "preach" - which always refers to the proclamation of the word outside of the believers gathering. They take any verse that refers to anyone giving a speech in any context and magically turn it into an imperative to have a "pastor" giving a weekly speech to a gathering of believers to form the centerpiece of Christian orthopraxy.

There are no commands to go to church. There are many commands in the bible for the whole body to gather for the whole body to participate in giving to one another.

There are many bible verses that show that every believer participates fully in the gathering and that is essential, the whole purpose and not side-lined.

The orthopraxy of mainline denominations had been utterly corrupted by a vain and narcissistic class of professional Christians who have transformed the gathering of believers into a forum to enrich their pockets and egos as they require people to come and listen to their speeches weekly as the primary means of grace to the church. Churches were formed for community and gatherings of people to hear the word of God not to have capital campaigns every week to raise money for whatever means they needed. But where in this non orthopraxy were the funds raised to feed the poor and clothe the naked, to help the widows and orphans? Where has the practice as a body of believers that believe God will provide and not we ourselves. God leads, not the rich and famous. Look above the heads of the believers and see the sign, 'God at work'. Let's keep the truth of the bible at work through our belief and faith in what God provides and not what money provides.

In his service,



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